Sunday, March 13, 2011

Faster -- Cinema Sunday

Starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson Billy Bob Thornton Oliver Jackson-Cohen

When things couldn't be get any better, the worst happens. Driver (Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson) loses his brother to death after a bank heist goes bad. Upon getting arrested, he's pinned for ten years in prison. Once a free man, he seeks revenge on the death of his brother. What appears to be a very easy job and for Driver (Johnson) nothing is too complicated, he has to deal with a veteran cop, (Billy Bob Thorton). With the cop's retirement within arm's reach he is not settling with having a string of murders happen while he's on the clock. Meanwhile a mysterious call is made to a hotshot hitman (Oliver Jackson-Cohen) against Driver who ends up with Driver close at all times. Although the closer Driver becomes with completing the targets on his list, the more liable he is to be taken out by the hitman. However, when Driver completes the list he realizes that something just doesn't feel right. Someone is missing... And that person is... Found within the movie.


Written by Allen Mark
Can be followed @MisterPromo on Twitter.

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