Monday, January 26, 2015

"Celebrity Name", Will You Go To Prom With Me? ~ Cole LaBrant

by Mister Promo | January 26, 2015


This is never easy to do. Asking that special someone (who may mean the world to you) to Prom. Nervousness, sweaty palms, trying to find the words. 
All of these things are likely to take place when approaching that specific person. Or maybe you're just that confident and fearless. Then none of this will occur prior to asking. However, one thing that will occur to both parties is that space of anticipation. Will they say, "Yes" or will they say "No"?


Many people are brave enough to ask this question to their everyday peers. While very few are bold enough to ask this of that one celebrity they are a huge fan of. 

 Courtesy of Matt Dinerstein


In 2004, 17 year old Ruje'anne Duplessis (of Springfield, MA) wrote to BET asking Ludacris to her senior prom. The network was astonished by her bravery and accepted. They planned the whole evening and made it especially special for her.


Not everyone were as lucky as R. Duplessis. Such as Max Whitmore. He was brave enough to create a YouTube video asking Victoria Justice to his prom in 2013. She actually declined attending his prom, however, she did make an appearance later at his school where she spent the day with his friends and teachers.


This year we have a new prom-posal. This one is coming from Cole LaBrant. Just two days ago, Cole uploaded a video to YouTube bravely asking a celebrity to his senior prom. This celeb is none other than, Selena Gomez.

What will Selena's answer be?

With your help, you could make Cole's dream come true.
All you have to do is share this post and
hashtag it with #SelenaYesColeTPS.

Courtesy of Pinterest

Let's Go ! !

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